The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

1.0 0.2 sun 9:11 1 1 92 Examiner Aug. 26, 1972 ArenA J. DickerhoffSailing Ships Were His Love Jack Dickerhoff was, Ernest Gann wrote in his "Song of the Sirens," royalty and he knew it. The "rumble of his voice was as the sound of a squall on the horizon." And to the end, despite failing health that forced him at times to work from a wheelchair, Dickerhoff remained a man of the sea and a master of his craft as Gann put it, with a "disdain for the shoddy and intolerance for sloth." Dickerhoff, a master ship rigger of international renown, died in a Hayward hospital Thursday after suffering failing health from diabetes for several years. He was 65.

Memorial services were to be held at 11 a.m. today at the Grant D. Miller Funeral Home in Oakland. Started in Boyhood By Larry "Jack was the last master rigger in this area and possibly in the entire world," said his friend and admirer, Karl Kortum, head of the San Francisco Maritime Museum. "He was a true man of the sea and he had exceptional standing among the maritime museums of the world." Dickerhoff was born in San Francisco but his family moved to Alameda when he was a boy.

This move led to his love for sailing ships. "My mother dressed me up and sent me down the street to school," Kortum recalls Dickerhoff saying, "but instead of turning left to go to school, I turned right and went to the wharfs." For the rest of his his life, he was never very far away. Intrigued by the Alaska Packers ships then homeporting in Alameda, Dicker- Obituaries JACK DICKERHOFF Man of the sea Aside from his mastery of his craft, Dickerhoff was a colorful man who a p- proached the mystique of some of the legendary characters of fictional sea literature. His reputation as a host was unsurpassed for the parties he gave in the San Francisco Victorian his grandfather built after sailing around the Horn to get here. Gann, who dedicated "Twilight of the Gods" to Dickerhoff, was a frequent guest and unabashed admirer.

He tells his "Sirens" Albatros to Moore's shipAlbatross to Moore's shipyards in Oakland to have their ultra modern engineers and facilities do her over. "They could have saved themselves the trouble," he wrote, "for standing in their own yard was boss rigger Dickerhoff who had forgotten more about ships and the sea than all the engineers' slide rules could tell them. "Dickerhoff was royalty and he knew it for he was recognized as master of a fast vanishing art. He was a rigger extraordinaire and all about him, ordinary men became obsequious when he spoke. When he cared to expound, there came from his thin lips all the wisdom of a hard-sailing generation at sea." Last October, Dickerhoff married his childhood sweetheart, Celestine.

They honeymooned in Hawaii where he was hospitalized only two months later. She is his only survivor. Forecast for the Weekend Bay Area Forecast as of 9 a.m. Fair through Sunday except fog or low clouds near the ocean extending inland locally night and morning. Little temperature change.

High both days in the 60s near the coast and 70s to low 80s inland. Low tonight in the 50s. Small craft warnings Suisun Bay for gusty southwest winds 20 to 35 mph otherwise westerly winds 10 to 20 mph. Special San Francisco Report Normal temperatures; low 54, high 65. Highest temperature this year to date: 92 on July 14.

Lowest temperature this season to date: 52 on August 6. Barometer at 5 a.m.: 29.89. BAY AREA STATIONS Fencsco 66 56 Moffett Fild 60 Hi Lo HI, S.F. Airport 79 56 Rdwod Cty 87 54 Oakland 74 61 San Jose 85 57 Okind Arprt 76 60 Winut Crek 93 55 CALIFORNIA STATIONS Bakersfield 98 71 Red Bluff 108 69 Eureka 62 54 Scrmento 106 60 Fresno 95 66 Salinas 71 57 Los Angels 83 66 San Diego 74 66 Monterey Santa Brbr 77 60 Needles 98 54 Stockton 101 63 Pso Robles 83 53 Thermal 98 73 RESORT AREAS Temperatures for 24 hours to 6 a.m. Clear Lake 95 35 Lake Tahoe 76 35 Fethr Rivr 90 50 Yosemite 95 39 Pim Sprngs 98 72 The State Forecast as of 5 a.m.

NORTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA Fair Sunday. NORTHWESTERN. CALIFORNIA Fair through Sunday except low clouds and fog along the coast night and morning. SACRAMENTO VALLEY Fair through Sunday, MOUNT SHASTA-SISKIYOU AREA SIERRA. through NEVADA Sunday.

Fair through Sunday. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Fair through Sunday. SANTA MARIA-SAN LUIS OBISPO COASTAL AREA Fair through Sunday except patches of morning fog. MONTEREY BAY AREA Fog or low overcast night and morning but mostly sunny in afternoons througb Sunday. SALINAS VALLEY Fair through Sunday except overcast and patches of fog north end night and morning and elsewhere in early mornings.

AND CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Fair through Sunday except fog and low clouds on coast night and morning. SANTA CLARA VALLEY Fair through Sunday except patchy low clouds or fog during early mornings. 'LIVERMORE VALLEY Fair through Sunday, except some low cloudiness DIABLO SAN mornings. RAMON AND MORAGA VALLEYS Fair through Sunday except patchy low clouds night and morning. NAPA AND SONOMA VALLEYS Fair through Sunday except fog or low clouds night morning.

POINT ST. GEORGE TO POINT ARENA Overcast with patches of fog night and morning but mostly sunny in afternoons, POINT ARENA TO POINT CONCEPCION Low overcast with patches of fog night and morning but mostly sunny afternoons. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Mostly sunny today and Sunday but some cloudiness in mountains and deserts with chance of isolated thundershowers. Patchy tow clouds near the coast. Smog Report Station Vis.

0x CO Haze San Rafael 10 Richmond Oakland 10 San Francisco 12 Redwood City San Jose Coder: Vis. Visibility in miles. Oxidants. CO- Carbon Monoxide. C- Clean, L- Light pollution.

Significant, Heavy. V-Severe. E- Readings furnished by Bay Area Smog District as of 5 p.m. yesterday. "Grand Old Man Of the Sea' Dies PLYMOUTH (Zngland).

(AP) Britain's grand old man of the sea, Sir Francis Chichester, who defied age and cancer to sail around the world alone, died today at the Royal Naval Hospital here after a long illness. He was 70. Few men in this century caught the heart of this seafaring nation more than Chichester. In 1967 at the age of 65, when most men retire, he survived gales, mountainous seas, icebergs and near sinking to circle the globe in his 53-foot Gipsy Moth IV. At Bedside His wife, Lady Chichester, and their son Giles were at his bedside.

A spokesman at the Royal Naval Hospital here announced: "Sir. Francis Chichester died peacefully at 2:30 p.m. this He had been receiving treatment there for over a week, including blood transfusions. Not the First A malignant growth affecting his spine had produced anemia. The hospital announced earlier in the day that his condition had beencomplicated by pnumonia.

Chichester was not the first man to, sail around the Freighter Captain L. H. Beck Funeral services for Capt. Ludwig Hansen Beck of Hillsborough will be held Monday at 11 a.m. at Colonial Mortuary of Crosby-N.

Gray 2 Park Road, Burlingame. Captain Beck, who commanded freighters on inland waterways and engaged in the dredging business in California, died Thursday. He was 83. San Mateo Elks Lodge 1112 will have charge at the rites for the ship's captain, a resident of San Mateo County for 45 years. Burial will be at Skylawn Memorial Park.

Born in Denmark, Captain Beck came to California 64 years ago. He had lived in Hillsborough 34 years. At his death, he was president of the family's Pioneer Shell Co. in Petaluma. A life member of his Elks' lodge, he also belonged to the Cape Horners.

He is survived by a son, Lee of San Carlos, two brothers, Theodore of Richmond and William of New ark; five sisters who live in Denmark, and two grandchildren. Contributions to the American Cancer Society, 1517 S. San Mateo, are preferred. Dr. Henry A.

Bakst BROOKLINE (Mass.) (UPI) Dr. Henry A. Bakst, 66, former dean Boston University School of Medicine, died yesterday at his home. From 1965 through 1967, Bakst served on the National Advisory Committee on Public Health Training. He played a major role in the development of the Boston University Medical Center and School of Medicine.

Elmer M. Jackson IlI BALTIMORE (AP) Elmer M. Jackson, III, 42, editor and general manager of the Anne Arundel Times, died yesterday after a brief illness. Jackson was the former managing editor of the Annapolis Evening Capitol and a chairman of a group of southern Maryland weeklies. Karachi in Dark KARACHI (Pakistan) (UPI) Seven thousand workers of the Karachi Electric Supply Corp.

went on strike today threatening to plunge this city of almost 4 million persons into "total Funerals 1 the at world alone. Capt. Joshua Slocum, an American, completed the first solo circumnavigation in 1898. But the Englishman was the first to do it with only a single stop, at Sydney, Australia. Chichester made the journey from Britain in 119 days.

The trips then were the longest single-handed nonstop voyages under sail by man. The trip earned him a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II and a hero's welcome here on his return. Joy in Action "The joy of living comes from action, from making the attempt, from the effort not from success," he once said. His effort captured the imagination of the world at a time when the era of space exploration was well under way. He set out only eight years after doctors told him he had only three weeks to live.

They diagnosed advanced lung cancer and said his chances of survival without an operation were nil. Earlier this summer he had to pull out of a transatlantic yacht race because of the health problems that put him in the hospital here and proved fatal today. Rites Set For John W. Glenn John W. "Jack" Glenn, founder of the Glenn-Rowe Cigarette Vending Co.

in San Francisco, died Wednesday after a long illness in San Anselmo. He was 90 years old. Mr. Glenn received local fame at Marin County's Meadow Club where he served as club president, after he hit a hole-in-one at the eighth hole when he was 84 years old. A native of Virginia, he lived in Marin County for 51 years and prior to his starting his own company in 1922, he worked for the American Cigar Company.

Mr. Glenn was a member of San Francisco's Lakeside Olympic Club. Funeral services will be held Monday at 11 a.m. at Keaton's Mortuary in San Rafael. Burial will be at Mt.

Tamalpais Cemetery, Shipping ARRIVALS Saturday, August 26 str, from Formosa, Atlas SS, AMERICAN CHALLENGER, Amer. Todds AMERICAN CHAMPION, Amer, str, from Formosa, Atlas SS, OAT DE MANTA, Ecud. mv. from CIUDAD Eureka, Balfour Guthrie, RLW COLORADO, Amer. str, from Honolulu, States SS, 80 LEADER, Amer.

thr, from Los Angeles, Oleum FRUEN, Nor. mv from Los Angeles, Universal HAWAIIAN, Amer. from Honolufu, Matson, Matson HIEI MARU, Jap. my, from Los AnORIENTAL Transmarine, EXPRESS, Lib. OCT 3 mv, from Yokohama, Oversea, Univ-5 PHILLIPS CALIFORNIA.

Amer. RONDEGGEN, pedro, Nor. Phillips, Amorco. mv, from Long SABOGAL, Beach, Norsk Pacific, 45-A Per. mv, from Long Kerr SS, 50-A TRANSONEIDA, Amer, te, from Honolulu, Seatrain Lines, Todds YGUAZU, Bakke Lib.

my, from La Angeles SS, Universal DEPARTURES AMERICAN ASTRONAUT, Amer. str, TRADER, Som. mv, for ANNA for Honolulu, US Lines, PCT Bangkok, Lilly, Anchor ANTONIA JOHNSON, for CABO' DE General SAO SS ROQUE, PCT Braz. my, for Los Angeles, Kerr Sacramento CALMAR, Amer. str, for Portland, Calmar Lines, Parr 5 ELLEN BAKKE, Nor.

my, for Hong Bakke SS, 50. FALSTRIA, Dan. my, for Los Angeles, General PCT Lib. mv, for VBC, Cascade SS, Benicia HAWAIIAN PROGRESS, Amer. str, HOLY, for, Honolulu, Matson, Matson Lib, my, for Portland, Kerr SS.

Rich, KASHU MARU, Jap. my, for Japan, J.H. TUTTLE, Amer. thr, for Alaska, Chevron, RLW. for SEATRAIN WASHINGTON, Amer.

thr, Pearl Harbor, General SS, N.A.S. Amer. tkr, for Panama, HenTOREDDOR, Nor. mv, for Tacoma, TREIN Overseas MAERSK, SS, 48-B Dan. my, for Manila, Maersk Line, 50 TRANSINDIANA, Amer.

str, for Honolulu, Seatrain ines, WASHINGTON STANDARD, Amer. for Capinteria, Chevron, RLW. ARRIVALS Sunday, August 27 AMERICAN LYNX, Amer. str, from Long Beach, US Lines, PCT AMERICAN ORIOLE, Amer, str, from Sasebo, Winchester, NSC BESSEGGEN, Nor. my, from Long Norsk Pacific, RLW GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE.

Jap, my, from Los Angeles, Kerr SS, OCT GREEN LAKE, Ameri str. from Guam, Balfour Guthrie, PL. ChicaHOEGH TROTTER, Nor. my, from New Westminster, Trans. ILLINOIS, Amer.

Str, from Seattle, States SS ARD KOREA BEAR, Amer str, from Los Angeles, PF.E, 96 KREBSIA, Dut. thr, from Venezuela, Dimond, Martinez ORIENTAL. ESMERALDA, Lib. AHERN. Lovina I BARBE.

Augustine BARICH. Peter J. BECK, Ludwig Hansen BYE, Osborn BYRNE, Irene R. CALLAHAN. Gladys CANTY, George J.

Peter CHELINI, Italo. V. (Lefty) Alice EDWARDS, Evelyn Lois ERICKSON, Lawrence O. GLENN, John W. HAINES, William C.

HINTON (Silveria). Isabella KASTEL, Robert W. KING, Harold T. KIRK, Don E. KRIENS, Cecile V.

LAZARO, Julian L. LYNCH, Fred J. Benjamin MERVER, Ronald George Myrtle SAPIR. Anne TUOHEY. Robert L.

VAN Roger J. YOUNG, Veta (Shorty) WALTER, Nell L. AHERN. Lovina I. In Walnut CreeK, August 25, 1972, Lovina 1.

Anern; beloved wire of ine late owen Anern, devoted morner of Mrs. Marie Symington and the late William Anern, and loving grandmother of William PatJames and John Ahern, Lynda and Timothy Symington; loving mother In law of Kaymona Symington and Mrs. Jonn (Anern) Mitchell; a native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the tuneral Monday, August 28 at 9:30 a.m. from REILLY CO.

29ch and Dolores thence to St. Emydius Cnurch, where a concelebrated Mass of the Resurrection will be offered at 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Rosary Sunday, 8 p.m. Goodwin Scannell Directors BARBE, Augustine--In this city, August 23, 1972, Augustine Barbe; beloved wite of Frank Barbe; devoted aunt of Roger C.

Lacombe; a native of Sault de Navilles, France; a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Y.Ll., Alliance Francaise, Arch Contraternity, Blessed Sacrament Society, Choir of Notre Dame des Victoires Church, Biessed Sacrament and Dames Auxiliaries Alliance Francaise. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Monday at 9:30 a.m. from the EVERGREEN MORTUARY, McAVOY-O'HARA CO. Geary Blvd. at 10th thence to Notre Dame des Victoires Church, where a Requiem Mass will be oftered at 10 a.m.

Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Rosary, Sunday at 8 p.m. Donations to the Heart Fund appreciated. PARKING COURT 10TH AVE. BARICH, Peter J.

In August 24, 1972, Peter J. Barien; dearly beloved husband the late Anna Barich; loving fatner of Stephanie Barich, Mary Neison and the late Anna Le Brun; dear grandfather of Joann Le Brun; brother or Lilly Jacksa; a native of Austria: aged 89 years; a member of St. Francis Society, Funeral, Monday, August 28 at 9 at the chapels of GANTNER MAISON DOMERGUE, 777 Valencia near 19th thence to the Church of the Nativity where a Mass of the Resurrection will be offered at 9:30 a.m, Interment, Slav Plot, Holy Cross Cemetery, Rosary Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. ADJACENT PARKING BECK, Capt. Ludwig Hansen In Hillsborough August 24, 1972, Capt.

Ludwig Hansen Beck: devoted father of Lee Beck, San Carlos; dear brother of Theodore Beck, Richmond, California, William Beck, Newark, California. and five sisters in Denmark; also survived by two grandchildren; a lite member of San Mateo Lodge 1112 B.P.O.E., a member of the Caper Horners; and President of Pioneer Shell Co. Funeral services will be held Monday, August 28. 1972 at 11 a.m. at THE COLONIAL MORTUARY OF CROSBY-N.

GRAY 2 Park Road, Burlingame, under the auspices of San Mateo Lodge 1112, B.P.O.E. Interment, Skylawn Memorial Park. Contributions to the American Cancer Society, 1517 South San Mateo, preferred. BYE, Osborn In San Francisco, August 24, 1972, Osborn Bye, loving, native brother of Dordi Andrews; a of Norway, aged 74 years; a member of Tor Lodge No. 537, V.O.A.

and Bartenders' Union Local 41. Friends may attend the funeral service, 1 p.m. Monday, August 28 at ANDERSON'S, Valencia St. at 25th St. Inurnment, Olivet Memorial Park.

Contributions to American Cancer Society preferred. ANDERSON'S FUNERAL PARLORS VISITOR PARKING BYRNE, Irene R. In this city, August 23, 1972, Irene R. Byrne; beloved wife of the late Bernard P. Byrne: loving mother of Genevieve Byrne and Bernardine Mortimer: loving sister of Ellen Helmer; loving grandmother of Lawrence and Christopher Mortimer and James Byrne; a native of Chicago, a member of the Senior Center of St.

Mary's Cathedral. The funeral will take place Monday Aug. 28, at 8:30 a.m. from the Memorial Chapels of CAREW ENGLISH. Masonic at Golden Gate thence to St.

Mary's Cathedral, Geary St. Gough, where a Mass of the Resurrection will be offered at 9 a.m. Rosary Sunday evening 8 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. CALLAHAN, Gladys -In Los Angeles, August 22, 1972, Gladys Callahan: beloved wife of the late Thomas J.

Callahan; devoted mother of Thomas M. and Donald M. Callahan. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Monday, August 28 at REILLY 29th and Dolores St.

Graveside services, Tueaday 11:30 a.m., Golden Gate National Cemetery. Goodwin Scannell. Directors CANTY, George J. August 19, 1972, George J. Canty, father of Mary Jean Canty Kelly Rhinebeck, N.Y.: a veteran of World War 11.

Services Monday morning, 10 o'clock, at HALSTED 1123 Sutter St. COMPLIMENTARY PARKING CASARTELLI, Peter--In San Francisco, August 23, 1972, Peter Casartelli: beloved son of Mrs. Giovanina Colombo of South San Francisco and the late Antonio Casartelli of San Rafael; also survived by aunts and uncles, cousins and other relatives; a native of San Rafael, aged 51 years. Funeral services will be Monday, August 28, 1972 at 9 a.m. from the beautiful, chapel of NAUMAN LINCOLN, 322 Maple South S.F., thence to All Souls Catholic Church, where a Requiem Mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul commencing at 9:30.

Rosary, Sunday evening 8 o'clock. Entombment, family plot. Mt. Olivet Cemetery in San Rafael. CHELINI, Italo V.

(Lefty) -August 25. 1972. Italo V. (Lefty) Chelini. devoted husband of Betty, Chellmi, beloved father of Vincent, Dennis and Kenny Chelini; beloved son of Mary Chelini: loving grandfather of Adam.

Jeniffer, Keith and Lisa Chelini: dear brother of George and Pete Chelini, Mrs. Ida Cendalli, San Diego and Mrs. Reno Gianni, Corte Madera; a member of Bartenders Union Local 41. Services Tuesday morning. 10 o'clock, at HALSTED 1123 Sutter St.

COMPLIMENTARY PARKING from Astoria, Overseas S5, 50-A ORONSAY, Brit, str, from Los geles, Lines, 35-S PACIFIC BEAR, Amer. str, from San Diego, P.F.E. 96-N PETROS J. GOULADRIS, Lib. from El Segundo, Chevron, RLW PIONEER CRUSADER, Amer.

str, from Subic. Atlas SS. OAT SANTA MARIA, from Los Angeles, Hendy, Union. SEATTLE, Amer. from Long Beach, Sealand, Sealand.

SOGNFJELL, Nor. my, from Portland, PSS. Pittsburg STARSTONE, Lib. my, from Los An- In this city, AuCOHN, 24. Alice 1972.

Alice Cohn: begust mother of Ruth Adams and loved mother in law of Orin Adams; loving grandmother of Laura sister and of Diane Hertha Adams: Dornblatt and Mrs. loving Mrs. Hilda Metzger of San Francisco, of Mr. New and, York, Mrs. Ben.

Mrs. Paul IsCooper of New Mr. York. and Mr. Jules of Milwaukee: and a very rael Ellis Services Sunday, 10 a.m.

at devoted aunt. SINAI MEMORIAL CHAPEL Divisadero St. at Geary (Contributions to Heart Association preferred.) EDWARDS, Evelyn Edwards: August 24, beloved mother of Joanne Kunz. 1972, Evelyn Lois Patricia Hixson and Roger of Ed- 12 and wards; a friend also, to many: a retired grandmother member of Civic Federal Employ- Franers. Contributions to San cis co Airport Police Athletic League, P.O.

Box 574. S.F.I.A. 94128. 23, 1972, Lawrence O. Erickson, beloved brother of Elisabeth E.

Bauer of Santa Monica: an alumnus of Yale University Class of 1925 and Boalt Hall Class of 1933. Private services were held Friday. Memorials to the Cancer Society preferred. HALSTED 1123 SUTTER ST. Private services Monday, DAPHNE 1 ST.

ERICKSON, Lawrence 0. -August GLENN, John San Anselmo, August 23, 1972, John W. Glenn; husband of the late Lillian Glenn; a native of Virginia, aged 90 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Monday Aug. 28, 1972 at 11 a.m.

at KEATON'S MORTUARY, 1022 San Rafael. Entombment, Mt. Tamalpais Cemetery. Memorial Contributions preferred to your favorite charity. KEATON'S MORTUARY 1022 St.

San Rafael 453-0571 HAINES, William C. In this city, August 23, 1972, William C. Haines; beloved husband of Helen Haines; loving father of William H. Haines and Betty A. Davis; loving brother of Harry F.

and John Haines, Marie Jordan, Norma Dawirs and Grace Wolf; also survived by two grandchildren. The funeral will take place on Monday, Aug. 28, at 2 p.m. CAREW at the Memorial Chapels of ENGLISH, Masonic at Golden Gate Ave. Interment: Olivet Memorial Park.

HINTON (Silveria), Isabella. In San Francisco, August 24, 1972, Isabella Hinton (Silveria): loving mother of Margaret Faltiscko and Thomas H. Silveria, grandmother of Robert Cooper: A. native Johnson of and San Bruce Frana cisco: aged 86 years. Friends may attend the funeral 9:30 a.m., Monday, August 28 at ANDERSON'S, Valencia St.

at 25th thence to St. Kevin's Church, where a Mass of Resurrection will be offered at 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, Rosary, Sunday at 8:30 p.m. ANDERSON'S FUNERAL PARLORS VISITOR PARKING KASTEL, Robert W. Accidently in Tooele, Utah, August 14, 1972, Robert W.

Kastel, beloved son of Jacquelyn Kastel: loving brother of Steve Kastel; aged 24 years. Friends are invited to attend a memorial service to be held Monday, Aug. 28 at 3 p.m. in the Gothic Chapel of Queen Esther, WOODLAWN MEMORIAL PARK, Colma, Calif. KING, Harold T.

In Palo Alto, August 25, 1972, Harold T. King; beloved husband of the late Anna King; loving brother of Loretta M. Menicucci: survived by many nieces and nephews; a native of San Francisco, aged 72 years: a veteran of W.W. Il. Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Monday Aug.

28. at 8:30 a.m. from the Chapel of VALENTE, MARINI, PERATA 4840 Mission thence to Corpus Christi Church, where a Mass of the Resurrection will be offered at 9 a.m. Recitation of the Rosary, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, Spiritual bouquets, preferred.

KIRK, Don rest, August 23, 1972, Don Kirk, forwarded to Gibbon, Neb. for services and interment by GODEAU, 41 Van Ness Ave. near Market St. GODEAU FUNERAL HOME KRIENS, Cecile V. In South San Francisco, August 24, 1972 Cecile V.

Kriens, loving wife of Clarence W. Kriens; loving mother of Glyde Ingham, Jean Dominey, and Vivian Irvine; dear grandmother of eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild: a native of lowa, aged 75 years; an active member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood since 1918, a member of O.E.S. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Sunday at 1 p.m. at DUGGAN SERRA MORTUARY, 500 Westlake Ave.

at Junipero Serra Daly City. Contributions to The Lighthouse for the Blind, 1097 Howard S.F. preferred. DUGGAN SERRA PL 6-4500 Julian L. In this city, August 23, 1972, Julian L.

Lazaro; dearly beloved husband of Mary Lazaro; loving father of Lillian Wittig of Richmond, Calif, and Christine of anila, Philippines; devoted grandfather of Eric, Cathryn, Michelle and Patricia; affectionate brother and uncle of relatives in the Pilippines, U.S.A. and Australia; a native of the Philippines; aged 66 years; served in U. S. Army; a member of the Musician's Union Local 6 and Foster Grandparents. Friends may call after 9 a.m.

Sunday at LA VALENCIA MORTUARY, 1159 Valencia St. Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 9:30 a.m., from La Valencia Chapel. Rosary Sunday at 8 p.m. Interment, Serbian Cemetery, (824-3636), LYNCH, Fred. J.In this city, August 22, 1972, Fred J.

Lynch; devoted father of Kathleen and James Lynch: loving brother of Nell Serres, Maye Serres, Noreen Bevens, Rita Roake and William G. and John F. Lynch; aged 63 years; a member of Typographical Union Local 21; a veteran of WW 11; former member of Multnomah Athletic Club, Portland, Oregon. Requiem Mass and interment, Oregon City Cemetery, Oregon. GANTNER-FELDER-KENNY FUNERAL DIECTORS In Memoriam SCHIEDECK, Harry Dearly beloved son of Kathleen and the late Frank Schiedeck, 2 years ago today, Aug.

26. miss you more than words can say. Never to be forgotten as long as life and memory last. May God send His Angels and lead you into Paradise. Pa and Ma loved you dearly.

A bitter blow. To love is to remember. MA HANSON, Maybelle In loving memory of our dear mother who passed away 18 years ago, Sadly missed. HER DAUGHTERS WALDRON, William L. Only God knows how much we love you and miss you.

MOTHER BROTHER GULBECK, Edward F. loving memory of cur son on his 30th birthday. all this world were ours to give We'd give it, yes and more To see the face of our dear son On this, his birthday Mom and Dad' geles, Transmarine, 50 SUN DUEK, Kor. my, San DiegO, Monitor SS, Howards' TERRYLIN, Lib. mv, from Japan, Suan SS, Grove.

TICONDEROGA, Amer. tkr, from Wilmington, Martinez DEPARTURES COLORADO, Amer, str, for Los States. S5, 80 EAGLE LEADER, Amer. tkr, for AlasHendy, Oleum FERNCLIFF. Nor.

my, for Manila, Overseas, 48 HIEI MARU, Jap. my, for Kobe, In this city, MALKIN, 24, Benjamin Benjamin MalAugust beloved husband of king dearly Malkin; beloved father of Mollie and Lilli Ginden, Irving grandfather of Eda Robert Leis; and adored Alayne Emela McLaren, Miriam. Carol, Deborah William and David Ginden, Benjamin Lehr. Sunday, 11:30 a.m.. Services, MEMORIAL CHAPEL, DivisSINAI adero St.

at Geary. in BurMERVER, lingame, Ronald August 24. George 1972, Ronald George Louis Merver; Merver dearly Sr. beloved and the son of late Mary Merver: loving brother of Louis Merver Marion in law of brother Merver; uncle of Sandra Martin, Robert, and the late of Louis Steve Merv- Marer Ill; native granduncle of San Francisco; tin; a aged Funeral, years. Tuesday, August 29 at 38 at the chapels of GANT9 a.m.

MAISON DOMERGUE, 777 NER Valencia 'St. near 19th Nativity hence to the Church of the where a Mass of the Resurrection will be offered at 9:30 a.m. Interment, Slav Plot, Holy Cross Cemetery, Rosary. Monday bou- at 8 o'clock. memorials (Spiritual faquets or to, your vorite charities preferred.

ADJACENT PARKING D. Hatfield hoff determined to become a man of the sea. When friends his age were intrigued by Model-T's and new-fangled inventions like radios, Dickerhoff was shipping out as a deck boy on sailing ships. At the age of 13 he was aboard such ships as the Lizzy Dance and the schooner Alert under skipper "Dirty Dan" McDonald, voyaging to Vancouver: and back. A few years later he became pupil of Chief Mate Agidius, a sailing legend in the Pacific, aboard the fourmaster Camano, plying the South Seas.

"For a year and a half he sat on a sailmaker's bench with Agidius as his mentor," Kortum said. In 1932, Dickerhoff was aboard the Lottie Bennett, the last fourmasted schooner to make the South Seas out of San Francisco. At 25, he was chief mate. Re-rigged Balclutha During the 30s, he worked for the General Engineering Drydock Co. in Alameda and the Moore Drydock Co.

of Oakland, becoming boss of 500 riggers there during World War II. But his chief interest remained with sailing ships. He was the rigger who rerigged the Balclutha and he was first mate when the C.A. Thayer was sailed from Seattle to San Francisco. Both are now part of the Maritime Museum here.

During the last decade, Dickerhoff was the museum's master rigger, leaving three years ago for the Bishop Museum in Honolulu to restore the historic fourmaster Falls of Clyde. It was on that job that he ignored his failing health to get it past the critical point in its restoration. a Forecast to 4 a.m. tomorrow, from National Weather Service. Figures show low temperatures expected during period.

STATIONARY COLD WARM COLD Rain Showers COLDS 70 National Forecast Rain and showers today over much of the eastern half of the nation, showers in the Southwest. Generally warm weather for the East, cooler in the Midwest. Weath. Hi Lo Anchorage 65 61 Atlanta 69 Boise 84 60 Boston 83 75 Brownsville 75 Buffalo 79 61 Casper 45 Chicago PC 76 68 Cincinnati 86 69 Cleveland CY Dallas Denver Des Moines CY 74 61 Detroit CY 82 68 Great Falls 83 Honolulu 75 Houston 90 78 Jackson 96 Jacksonville 80 73 Juneau Kansas City Las Vegas 88 Memphis 88 Miami Beach 87 80 Milwaukee 61 Minneapolis 65 59 New Orleans 91 New York 92 75 Weath. Hi Lo Philadelphia 94 Phoenix PC 101 74 Portland Ore.

86 65 Reno 44 Salt Lake City PC 87 60 Seattle 78 56 Spokane 87 57 Washington CY 91 75 CANADIAN STATIONS Weath. Hi Lo Calgary 79 80 50 Edmonton Montreal 87 Ottawa 83 65 Toronto 81 Vancouver 73 54 Winnipeg 82 PAN AMERICAN STATIONS Weath. Hi La Paz Mexico City 22887282 79 Bermuda 83 Hermosillo 100 Mazatlan 86 Monterrey Nassau 90 Veracruz C- -Clear CY-Cloudy PC -Partly Cloudy R-Rain F- FOg -Snow H-Haze SM-Smog SK- DR-Drizzle International Sydney Stockholm 10 p.m. 55 Tunis 1 p.m. 82 Local Present Vienna 1 p.m.

PC 68 City Time Weather Temp. Warsaw 1p.m. CY 64 Aberdeen Noon 61 -Clear CY-Cloudy PC -Partly Acapulco. p.m. CY 83 Cloudy F-Fog S- Snow Amsterdam 1 p.m.

66 Ankara 3 p.m. 84 Athens 2 p.m. 82 Berlin Brussels 1 1 p.m. p.m. CY PC Sun and Moon Cairo 2 p.m.

LAST NEW FIRST FULL Casablanca Noon PC QUARTER MOON QUARTER MOON Copenhagen Noon PC Dublin Noon CY Geneva 1 p.m. PC 66 Hong Kong 8 p.m. 84 Lisbon Noon Aug. 31 Sept. 7 Sept.

15 Sept. Madrid 10.m. 22 Manila 8 p.m. 0548 1028 1213 2107 Mexico City p.m. Moscow 3 p.m.

will set today at 7:49 The Nice p.m. p.m.. rise tomorrow at 6:35 a.m., Oslo 1 p.m. and set at 7:47 p.m. Paris p.m.

The moon rises today at 8:40 Saigon 8 p.m. CY 79 sets tomorrow at 9:57 a.m., and p.m., Sofia 2 p.m. PC 66 rises at p.m. THE TIDES AT GOLDEN GATE TIDAL DIFFERENCE Date High Low High Low San Mateo Bridge 26 00:56 5.6 07:05 0.3 13:41 5.6 19:28 55 min. 27 01:48 5.3 07:36 0.8 14:13 5.8 20:23 0.7 Oakland-Richmond 28 03:56 02:48 4.8 08:13 1.4 14:48 6.0 21:23 0.4 1 hr.

10 min. 4.4 08:54 2.0 15:29 6.0 22.28 Dumbarton Bridge 05:15 4.1 09:43 2.6 16:18 6.0 23:44 0.0 1 min. 31 06:50 4.0 10:44 3.0 17:17 6.0 Carquinez Strait 2 hr. 5 min. PASTENE, Myrtle--In San Francisco, August 20, 1972, Myrtle Pastene; endeared sister of Mrs.

Hilda Vinal and the late Herbert J. Pastene. Private funeral services will be conducted Monday, August 28 from REILLY 29th and Dolores St. Entombment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Goodwin Scannell.

Directors SAPIR, Anne Entered into rest August 25, 1972, Anne Sapir: dearly beloved wife of the late Moise H. Sapir: beloved mother of Ethel Glassman and Evelyn Kramer: loving grandmother of Devorah Cohen. Marsha Giantz, Judith and Marc Glassman, David and Marilyn Kramer; devoted sister of Robert Goldsmith, Frieda Podrow and Sue Glaubinger; past president, S.F. Lodge No. 1 B'nai B'rith Women's and past president of the Past Presidents Auxilitary of B'nai B'rith Women of S.F..

Bay Area. Services Sunday, 2:30 p.m. SINAI MEMORIAL CHAPEL, Divisadero St. at Geary. Contributions to Cancer Fund, preferred, TUOHEY, Robert South San Francisco, August 24, 1972, Robert L.

Tuohey, dearly beloved husband of Gloria Tuohey, loving father of Ellen Tuohey, devoted brother of James G. Tuohey; a native of San Francisco, aged 49 years; a retired Lt. of Fire Department; a member of S.F. Firefighters No. 798; veteran of World War a member of FranCIS Drake Lodge No.

376 South San Francisco; Eiks. Lodge No. 2091 and past president of Firecraft Club. Funeral services Monday at at GANTNER FELDERKENNY Chapel, 1965 Market St.

at Duboce Ave. under the auspices of Francis Drake Lodge No. 376, Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery. VAN CRAEYNEST, Roger this city, August 23, 1972, Roger J. Van Craeynest; beloved husband of Bonita Van Craeynest; loving father of Larry G.

and Roger P. Van Craeynest; loving brother of Helen Boriolo and George Van Craeynest: loving brother in law of Martha and Burton Cory; a native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services on Monday Aug. 28, at 8:15 a.m. from the Memorial Chapels of CAREW ENGLISH, Masonic at Golden Gate thence to Notre Dame de Victoires Church.

Bush St. nr. Grant where a Requiem Mass will be offered commencing at 8:45 a.m. Rosary Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Interment, Auburn, Calif.

Donations to the American Cancer Society, preferred. VASHERESSE, Ernest--In this City, Aug. 25, 1972, Ernest Vasheresse; beloved father of Ernest H. Vasheresse; loving grandfather of Ernest, Jeanette and David Vasheresse, devoted: father-in-law of Virginia, M. Vasheresse.

Friends may call at the mortuary of W. C. LASWELL 6154 Mission St. Cor. Wilson Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

The Rosary will be recited Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Spiritual bouquets, preferred. August 26, YOUNG, Veta (Shorty) In this city, August 25, 1972, Veta Shorty) Young; dearly wife of John Young: devoted sister of Claude Martin, loving sister-inlaw of Nels Martin; a member of Office Workers Union No. 3. Friends may visit at CURRIVAN'S CHAPEL OF THE SUNSET.

Irving at 26th Ave. (Sunset District) after 1 p.m. Sunday. Funeral, Monday, August 28 at 1:30 p.m. at the mortuary.

Interment, Olivet, Memorial Park. Visiting Hours until 9 p.m. PARKING OPPOSITE MORTUARY WALTER, Nell L. August 25, 1972, Nell L. Walter: beloved mother of Barbara Jane Dahlstrom; beloved grandmother of Robert E.

and Walter A. Dahlstrom; loving great-grandmother of Christina and Eric Dahlstrom: aunt of Marie Grossholz, Eugene Coe and Gordon Adams: a native of Dunnigan, aged 92 years; a charter member of Second Church of Religious Science. Services Monday morning, 11 o'clock at HALSTED 1123 Sutter St. Interment, Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. COMPLIMENTARY PARKING Mass Notices FLYNN.

Doris W. Anniversary Mass being offered. Card of Thanks CITY OF HOPE, free non-sectarian Medical Wawona, knowledges S. Center F. contributions.

664-5990: accepts and 751-0558 2200. ac- 002X0 Florists Florists HENRY SCHRUMPF 911 VALENCIA ST. 647-8277. J. FREGOSI SON 4834 MISSION S.F, JU 5-3386 Monuments QUALITY MEMORIALS DONOHOE CARROLL 1635 Old Mission Open Sundays 755-5251: Colma, Calif.

664-3415 Serving Over 75 Years Cemetery Lots BEAUTIFUL plot near fountain. SKYLINE MEMORIAL PARK Sacrifice. $125. 228-0296 Transmarine, OCT IDAHO STANDARD, Amer. thr, for Eureka, Chevron, RLW.

KEE LEE, Pan. my, for ton Lily, 50-B. Seattle, NorORIENTAL Long Beach, EXPRESS, Lib. Mv. for Overseas, Universal.

ORONSAY, for VBC, Lines, 35-S. PHILLIPS CALIFORNIA, RIO lumbia CORRIENTES, Trans Arg. for Phillips, Amorco mv, for CoSABOGAL, Sound, Kerr Per. 50-A v. for Puget Trans, Grove, 65,.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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