Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (2024)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (1)

Ever wonder what goes into your credit card processing fees? Who charges what and why? Keep reading if you want to understand the payment flow, know what your credit card processing fees pay for, and learn how to know if you’re paying too much, particularly as it relates to self-service business such as vending machines, micro-markets, kiosks, EV charging, air pumps, car washes, laundry services, parking kiosks, and more. So how do you lower processing fees? Keep reading to find out!

After reading, if you’re still feeling unsure about your rates, or feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to us at pos@apriva.com. We’d be happy to read through your rates and help you understand what you’re actually paying, if you’re getting a good deal, or if there’s room to negotiate – whether it’s with us or not. No strings attached. We are passionate about helping merchants pay the lowest amount possible for good payment services.

Who Does What, and Why?

Before we can help you make sure you’re not paying too much, you need to understand who the players in the payment process are – who does what, what they charge, and why. If you want to accept non-cash payments, then there are 4 key players that HAVE to be involved, whether you like it or not. Those are issuing banks, card networks, merchant acquirers, and payment providers. Without them, your customers credit card data can’t be processed and turned into money in your pocket.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (2)

Issuing Banks

They issue cards to consumers, and they charge a fee for merchants to accept payments from these cards. Common Issuing Banks include Chase, Bank of America, US Bank, and Wells Fargo. These fees are not negotiable.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (3)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (4)

Card Networks

They’re the keepers of the system. They set standards, and make sure everyone plays by the rules. They charge merchants a fee to accept payments from these card networks. Common Card Networks include American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa. These fees are not negotiable.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (7)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (8)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (9)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (10)

Merchant Aquirers

They’re the keepers of the system. They set standards, and make sure everyone plays by the rules. They charge merchants a fee to accept payments from these card networks. Common Card Networks include American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa. They process non-cash payments on behalf of merchants, for a fee. Common Merchant Acquirers include Chase Paymentech, Elavon, Fiserv, and Global Payments. These fees are negotiable (typically more volume = lower rates).

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (11)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (12)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (13)

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (14)

Payment Providers

There are typically 2 types of payment providers. Pure gateways, and payment facilitators (also known as a Payfac). A payment gateway and a payment facilitator (Payfac) are both components of the electronic payment processing ecosystem, but they serve different roles. Both provide EMV certified POS devices, connectivity, reporting, and PCI compliance. But there are differences. Before we discuss the differences, know that these fees are 100% negotiable. This is where you can save the most money.

  1. Payment Gateway: Facilitates transmission of payment data between a merchant and a payment processor. Gateways typically charge monthly and transaction fees, and can often support merchants as they choose and set up a relationship with a payment processor. In fact, many Gateways (like Apriva) have established relationships with many processors and can help ensure merchants get the best processing rates possible. While it’s a little more work for a merchant to use a payment gateway and a processor directly vs. using a payfac, a good gateway will support a merchant through this process, and it can save a lot of money in the long run.
  2. Payfac: Acts as a middleman between merchants and payment processors. Typically charge monthly, transaction, and processing fees. Payfac’s often charge more than gateways for their services since they’re providing the convenience of setting up these relationships for the merchant.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (15)

Who Charges What?

The four players we discussed earlier – issuing banks, card networks, merchant acquirers, and payment providers – all charge fees for their services. Some of these fees are non-negotiable, and some ARE negotiable. Assuming a standard mix of card brands, and average ticket sizes of $5 or less, then you are eligible for small ticket interchange fees. Click here or visit https://payments.apriva.com/how-apriva-can-lower-processing-fees-for-any-size-business/ to learn more about interchange.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (16)

What is Small Ticket Interchange Rate, and How Can I Qualify?

Some fees are part of what’s known as “interchange rates”. These are publicly published rates set by card issuers, which change about once a year. As of this blog, the current non-negotiable regular interchange rates are below.

Regular Interchange Rates (as of April 2023):

  • 2.12% + $0.12 per transaction for Mastercard
  • 2.24% + $0.12 per transaction for Visa

However, did you know these card issuers also offer small ticket interchange rates? Visa and Mastercard have programs that allow providers (like Apriva) to offer special small ticket processing rates. Here at Apriva, we typically offer these rates through JP Morgan Chase, though there are others we can work with. The benefit of a merchant working with Apriva and JP Morgan Chase is that if someone doesn’t have a processor, or they want to switch processors, then we can offer JP Morgan Chase’s promised lower merchant acquirer processing rates, on top of the benefit of the small ticket interchange rates. As of this blog, the current non-negotiable small ticket size interchange rates are below:

Small Ticket Size Interchange Rates (as of April 2023):

  • 2.0% + $0.04 for Mastercard
  • 2.60% + $0.02 for Visa

So how do you quality for small ticket interchange rates? There are requirements. If a merchant is working with a provider that is authorized to offer these lowered rates – like Apriva – it’s up to them to manage requirements and ensure compliance. So if your payment provider tells you that you qualify, you don’t need to worry too much beyond that. But, for your edification, some requirements include a business having an applicable MCC code, and that a certain percentage of your average ticket sizes remain below a pre-set amount. For example, Visa requires that at least 2/3rds of transactions have an average ticket size of $5 or less. Mastercard has a similar requirement, but average ticket size has to be $7.50 or less. The payment provider offering you these lower interchange rates is responsible for reporting your average ticket sizes every quarter to Visa and Mastercard to ensure eligibility and compliance.

After reading, if you’re still feeling unsure about your rates, or feeling overwhelmed, please reach out to us at pos@apriva.com. We’d be happy to read through your rates and help you understand what you’re actually paying, if you’re getting a good deal, or if there’s room to negotiate – whether it’s with us or not. No strings attached. We are passionate about helping merchants pay the lowest amount possible for good payment services.

What is Small Ticket Interchange Rate, and How Can I Qualify?

Apriva is happy to help! Below we have compiled some of the standard advice we give to merchants when they come to us for support. While we know that in most cases, there’s no one that can beat the value Apriva providers to merchants, you’re free to use this knowledge to shop around and find the best scenario for your business needs.

  1. Understand Your Small Ticket Size Interchange Rate and Make Sure You’re Actually Getting It.
    The average small ticket size interchange rate is 1.8% + 6¢. Remember, “interchange” is the “cost of entry” to accept non-cash payments. Know this, and always check your current or prospective rates against this. If you’re paying much more than this, then someone is adding on to the rates set by issuing banks and card networks, or someone isn’t leveraging small ticket size interchange rates for you, and charging your regular interchange rates instead.
  2. Know Your Average Ticket Size.
    Get familiar with your average ticket size! This is so important to understand. If your average ticket size is small enough to qualify for small ticket size interchange rates, then make sure that’s what you’re getting! Also, it’s important to know your average ticket size across your business. If you own multiple vending machines, multiple micro markets, or a mix of both, some machines or locations might have larger or smaller average ticket sizes than the others. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t separate these businesses and seek different payment services for them in order to leverage lower interchange rates! If you have 5 vending machines with a $5 or less average ticket size, and two micro-markets with a $10 average ticket size, then find a way to ensure the vending machines are leveraging small ticket size interchange rates, while micro markets take on the burden of regular interchange rates. Again, if you’re working with a good payment provider (like Apriva!), they will help you navigate this.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (17)

3. Read The Fine Print on Offers.
Payment providers, especially Payfac’s and processors, often focus on super low and attractive processing percentage rates, while making it harder to spot additional and super high per transaction fees. If you’re only seeing a percentage based processing fee, dig, read the fine-print, and ask questions until you understand the full picture. This could save you a lot of money!

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (18)

4. Know The Full Cost of Accepting Credit Cards

This requires some math, so bear with us (or ask us for help). Just like the point above, payment providers try to make their rates look as favorable as possible, which can make it confusing to figure out exactly which offers will keep the most money in your pocket. This is where knowing your average transaction size, and average transactions per month, can really help. If you know these 2 things, you can do the math to figure out what you’re actually paying.

For example, let’s say your average transaction size is $1.75 and you average 127 transactions per month. That’s $222.25 in revenue per month.

    • Payment provider A, 1.50% + $14.45/month.
      They say they’ll only charge you 1.50%. Sounds great, right? You read the fine print and understand they’ll also be charging you $14.45 per month. Maybe it’s not so bad because of the low percentage, right? How much will you be paying them per month on 127 transactions per month at an average ticket size of $1.75? Answer = $17.77.
    • Payment Provider B, 5.50% + $5.55/month
      This might seem like a better deal. Sure, the percentage fee is higher, but the monthly fee is lower. How much will you be paying them per month on 127 transactions per month at an average ticket size of $1.75? Answer = $17.77.
    • Payment Provider C, 7.99% + $0/month
      This seems like the worst deal, right? Super high percentage fee, so this can’t possibly counteract the $0/month fee, right? How much will you be paying them per month on 127 transactions per month at an average ticket size of $1.75? Answer = $17.77.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (19)

Moral of the story here is to understand the full cost of accepting credit cards, and read the fine print. It’s worth doing a little math so you don’t get tricked into thinking you’re getting a good rate when there is actually room to negotiate.

5. Understand Your Credit Card Data
You know those nice flashy high-rewards cards that earn customers fuel points, plane miles, and more? Do you know who pays for those benefits? You, the merchant. How? Because these high-reward cards come with higher interchange costs. We call this the “high roller effect”. So let’s say you have a vending machine or micro-market in a location where the mix of credit cards being used on your machine has a higher than average ratio of these high reward cards, like an airport or a stadium. That transaction data is going to tell card issuers to charge you higher interchange rates to accept non-cash payments at those locations. What about your other locations that have a standard mix of credit card data, and DO qualify for small ticket interchange rates? They’ll also be held to the higher interchange rates of the “high roller effect” locations unless you separate them. Meaning, analyze your credit card data and if some locations have higher than average transaction sizes, or higher interchange rates, then you can either get those locations on different payment provider plans, and possibly increase rates at specific locations to combat those higher fees.

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (20)

We hope this helps! Whether you’re choosing to work with Apriva, or someone else, make sure you’re getting the best deal possible in order to accept non-cash payments at your self-service business. And remember, we’re always happy to help merchants double check their rates and make sure they’re not over-paying for these services with no strings attached. Because it’s the right thing to do, and what a good helpful gateway does (that’s us). Contact us today to learn more!

Give us a chance to show you the Apriva difference today. Contact Apriva today for more information!

Learn How To Lower Processing Fees For Self-Service Payments! (2024)


How to lower payment processing fees? ›

8 Ways to Get the Lowest Credit Card Processing Fees
  1. Choose The Right Pricing Structure.
  2. Shop Around For Better Rates.
  3. Negotiate with Your Processor.
  4. Reduce the Risk of Credit Card Fraud.
  5. Eliminate the Third Party.
  6. Set Up Your Account & Terminal Properly.
  7. Accept Cards That Work Well For Your Business.
  8. Avoid Unnecessary Fees.

How do I avoid payment processing fees? ›

How to Lower Credit Card Processing Fees and Avoid Extra Costs
  1. Protect Your Devices. ...
  2. Stay PCI Compliant. ...
  3. Find the Best Merchant Services Provider for Your Business. ...
  4. Consider Surcharging or Cash Discounts. ...
  5. Avoid Cancellation Fees.

How can I save processing fees? ›

8 ways to minimize payment processing fees
  1. Review your statement regularly. Your statement shouldn't have any surprises. ...
  2. Switch processors. ...
  3. Try surcharging. ...
  4. Set a credit card minimum. ...
  5. Accept cards in person. ...
  6. Chargeback policies and fraud prevention. ...
  7. Offer cash discounts. ...
  8. Partner with Sekure.
Oct 20, 2023

How do you negotiate processing fees? ›

When you find a processor you like, discuss all fees and pricing models with the sales rep. Discuss your business's unique situation, and ask about ways to lower your costs. For example, if your business processes many transactions of small amounts, you may qualify for lower interchange rates.

Why are payment processing fees so high? ›

The reason why credit card companies charge a percentage to accept payments from customers on their network is because it's how they make money. Simple as that! This fee, known as the merchant discount rate (MDR) typically ranges from 2-3%, sometimes they can be as high as 5%.

What is a typical payment processing fee? ›

For most businesses, fees for credit card processing average between 1.5% to 3.5% of the total transaction. However, these fees can vary by card type, processor and the type of business you are running.

Is it legal to charge customers a processing fee? ›

Merchants can impose a surcharge as long as it doesn't exceed the cost of the merchant's processing fee. Merchants may offer discounts for payment by cash, check or other methods unrelated to credit cards. There is no prohibition for credit card surcharges and no statute on discounts for different payment methods.

How do I accept payments without fees? ›

Services like Apple Pay and Google Pay don't charge any extra fees on top of credit card processing fees, so the cost is the same as accepting card payments directly. PayPal does charge an additional fee for each transaction, so it's more expensive for merchants – but it's also a more established payment method.

How do you pass processing fees to customers? ›

The four most common ways to pass on or evade processing costs are:
  1. Cash discounting. With cash discounting, all products in the store are initially marked up to reflect credit card prices. ...
  2. Minimum purchase requirement. ...
  3. Credit card surcharging. ...
  4. Convenience fee.

Can you write off processing fees? ›

Transaction fees incurred through a payment processor are generally tax-deductible, since they are also considered to be ordinary and necessary expenses directly related to the operation of your business. By deducting transaction fees, you can reduce your taxable income, resulting in tax savings.

How can I improve my payment processing? ›

These valuable tips should help businesses of all sizes optimise their payment processing systems and ensure smooth and consistent financial transactions.
  1. Ask for a Deposit Upfront. ...
  2. Send Prompt Bills. ...
  3. Make Payment Terms Easier. ...
  4. Scrap Paper Invoices. ...
  5. Incentivise Early Payments. ...
  6. Automate Follow-ups. ...
  7. Provide Payment Plans.

How can you avoid excessive transaction fees? ›

Tips to Avoid Excessive Transaction Fees

Finding a bank that doesn't charge excess transfer fees: Some banks do not charge excessive transaction fees. Using your checking account: Banks may leverage fees when you make too many savings withdrawals by swiping a debit card, writing a check, or paying bills online.

How can I avoid processing fees? ›

Implementing a surcharge program is an effective way to eliminate processing fees. Surcharge programs pass the cost of these fees onto the consumer. They can avoid these fees by paying with cash or debit instead.

How do you offset processing fees? ›

Small business owners can offset credit card processing fees through various strategies, such as preferring cash, in-app, or mobile payments which come with lesser or no processing fees. Surcharging is another option, where the merchant charges a fee to customers to recoup payment processing charges.

How do you calculate processing fees? ›

How to Calculate Processing Fees. The formula for calculating processing fees is as follows: (order amount * percentage fee) + (transaction fee * number of transactions).

How do I process a payment without fees? ›

Services like Apple Pay and Google Pay don't charge any extra fees on top of credit card processing fees, so the cost is the same as accepting card payments directly. PayPal does charge an additional fee for each transaction, so it's more expensive for merchants – but it's also a more established payment method.

Can you pass payment processing fees to customers? ›

Legal in all 50 states. Customers may be more receptive to a percentage discount (vs. percentage added fee of a surcharge). May feel more familiar to customers, since it's long been an option at gas stations.

How do I write off credit card processing fees? ›

Credit card fees are not deductible for individuals and are deductible for businesses. Businesses can deduct all credit card fees as well as finance charges. Businesses are eligible to deduct credit or debit card processing fees associated with paying taxes, but individuals are not.

How to get around credit card processing fees? ›

Use these tips to lower the costs of processing credit cards.
  1. Choose a credit card processor with a surcharge program. ...
  2. Verify addresses for lower credit card fees. ...
  3. Give a cash discount to customers. ...
  4. Always examine your monthly statement. ...
  5. Add a service or convenience fee. ...
  6. Encourage ACH payments.
Sep 13, 2023


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.